11 min readApr 8, 2024

Introducing OPZ Wallet: A User-Friendly and Robust Self-Custodial Solution


The financial landscape is witnessing a seismic shift propelled by the surge of cryptocurrencies, spearheaded by Bitcoin as the premier digital asset. Cryptocurrencies hold the promise of fundamentally altering our perceptions of money, presenting a host of advantages such as privacy, accessibility, and decentralization. Powered by blockchain technology, these digital currencies enable direct transactions between individuals, eliminating the need for intermediaries and granting complete control over one’s crypto holdings. The allure of financial security and autonomy beckons with the advent of cryptocurrencies. While still in its nascent stages, the crypto market has garnered considerable interest, attracting investors keen on diversifying their portfolios through digital assets. Yet, despite this burgeoning interest, mainstream adoption remains sluggish, hampered by factors ranging from limited awareness and comprehension to security and regulatory apprehensions, as well as usability challenges and technological barriers. The intricacies of cryptocurrency, from its technical underpinnings to the complexities of transactions and storage, often deter potential users. This is precisely where OPZ Wallet steps in, amalgamating cutting-edge security protocols with intuitive AI-driven insights to simplify the crypto experience.

About OPZ Wallet

OPZ Wallet stands out as a pioneering wallet offering a seamless blend of user-friendliness and resilience in the realm of self-custodial solutions. Powered by the innovative OPZ KeyFusion protocol, which employs Multi-Party Computation (MPC), this wallet redefines security standards. Unlike traditional self-custody solutions fraught with usability and security hurdles, OPZ Wallet simplifies the user experience while upholding the paramount importance of security. With conventional methods often posing challenges in managing and protecting mnemonic phrases, users face potential risks of asset loss or theft. Leveraging advanced MPC technology, OPZ Wallet overcomes these obstacles by delivering a straightforward self-custodial solution without compromising on security.

Feature of OPZ Wallet

  • Ease of Use: OPZ Wallet prioritizes user experience by designing a platform that is intuitive and straightforward to use. Managing digital assets can be complex, especially for new users, but OPZ Wallet streamlines the process, eliminating the need for users to store and remember complicated mnemonic phrases. By reducing this cognitive load, OPZ Wallet minimizes the risk of users losing access to their assets due to forgotten or misplaced credentials.
  • Web3 and dApp Integration: OPZ Wallet ensures secure interaction with decentralized technologies through its seamless integration with Web3 and decentralized applications (dApps). Multi-Factor Authentication adds an extra layer of security, safeguarding users’ assets while enabling them to fully harness the benefits of blockchain and smart contract functionalities. This integration opens up a world of possibilities for users to participate in decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, decentralized exchanges (DEXs), and other blockchain-based applications with confidence.
  • Advanced AI Technology: OPZ-AI represents the cutting edge of crypto analysis, providing users with real-time insights and actionable information for a vast array of cryptocurrencies. By covering over 10,000 coins, OPZ-AI empowers users to make informed decisions in the fast-paced and dynamic cryptocurrency market. This AI-driven approach allows users to stay ahead of trends, identify potential opportunities, and manage their portfolios effectively in an ever-evolving landscape.
  • OPZ-DEX: OPZ Wallet introduces an innovative decentralized exchange (DEX) platform, OPZ-DEX, which leverages the robustness of Bitcoin’s Layer 2 technology. Unlike traditional centralized exchanges, OPZ-DEX operates in a trustless manner, offering decentralized spot and derivatives products. This means users can trade cryptocurrencies directly from their wallets without relying on intermediaries, enhancing security and privacy. By harnessing the power of Bitcoin's Layer 2 scalability solutions, OPZ-DEX provides users with efficient and cost-effective trading options while maintaining the security and integrity of their assets.

OPZ Wallet Advantages over Traditional Custodial Solutions

  1. Control Over Assets: OPZ Wallet gives users full control over their digital assets, allowing them to manage, send, and receive cryptocurrencies without relying on a third-party custodian. This eliminates the need to trust a centralized entity with custody of their funds, reducing the risk of loss or theft due to potential security breaches or insolvency.
  2. Simplified User Experience: Unlike traditional exchanges or custodial services that may require users to navigate complex interfaces and procedures, OPZ Wallet offers a streamlined and intuitive user experience. By removing unnecessary complexities, OPZ Wallet makes it easier for users to access and manage their assets, even for those new to the world of cryptocurrency.
  3. Enhanced Security: With OPZ Wallet, users benefit from advanced security features such as Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and OPZ KeyFusion protocol, which leverages Multi-Party Computation (MPC) technology. These measures significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access or asset theft, providing users with peace of mind knowing that their funds are well-protected.
  4. Privacy: OPZ Wallet prioritizes user privacy by minimizing the amount of personal information required for account creation and transaction processing. Unlike traditional custodial solutions that may collect and store sensitive user data, OPZ Wallet maintains user anonymity to a greater extent, enhancing privacy and confidentiality.
  5. Flexibility and Independence: By empowering users with self-custody capabilities, OPZ Wallet offers greater flexibility and independence in managing their assets. Users can transact freely without being subject to the limitations or restrictions imposed by centralized custodial services, allowing for more autonomy and control over their financial activities.

Mission of OPZ Wallet

The mission of OPZ Wallet is to expedite the shift towards individual ownership of assets by forging connections between the cryptocurrency sector and conventional finance. This involves streamlining key management procedures, offering comprehensive guidance, and designing intuitive interfaces that align with users’ familiarities with traditional banking and online financial platforms. OPZ Wallet aims to empower users with greater autonomy and control over their digital assets while ensuring a seamless transition into the world of decentralized finance.

KeyFusion: A Revolutionary MPC Protocol by OPZ

The KeyFusion protocol, developed by OPZ, represents a cutting-edge implementation of Multi-Party Computation (MPC), offering users a secure, rapid, and user-friendly solution for storing and transferring digital assets while ensuring convenient access. MPC has garnered increasing attention in recent years for its potential to elevate privacy and security standards. As a subset of cryptography, MPC involves breaking down the private key into multiple encrypted shares distributed among several entities. This enables trusted parties to collectively execute computations on private data without divulging any information to other participants. Notably, the complete key is never consolidated on any single device. Nevertheless, authorized parties can collaborate to sign transactions. This paradigm shift in key protection eliminates the reliance on a sole trusted third party, thereby mitigating typical single points of failure and obviating complex setup and recovery procedures.

Challenges Linked to Private Keys

Private keys pose a notable security risk, attracting attention from cybercriminals and internal threats seeking to exploit wallets controlling blockchain assets.

Typical avenues for compromising private keys encompass:

  • Malware infiltrations targeting servers to pilfer private keys.
  • Unauthorized utilization of Hardware Security Module (HSM) authentication tokens to facilitate fraudulent transactions.
  • Potential theft of private keys by sanctioned internal personnel.

Challenges in Usability of Traditional Self-Custodial Wallets

  1. Risk of Asset Loss: The primary concern with mnemonic-based self-custodial wallets revolves around the potential loss of funds. Users accustomed to traditional financial services may erroneously expect password resets from wallet providers, akin to conventional banking practices. This misconception poses a significant risk as the absence of mnemonic retrieval options renders asset recovery impossible if the mnemonic is forgotten or misplaced.
  2. Hurdles to Mass Adoption: While traditional self-custody solutions may cater to proficient users well-versed in cryptocurrency and blockchain intricacies, the complexity and associated risks of mnemonic management deter a broader audience. This impedes the seamless integration of such technologies into mainstream usage, slowing down their adoption rate.

Solutions Provided by MPC

MPC ensures users retain complete control over their assets while offering usability and security on par with centralized exchanges. This encompasses:

  • Multi-Blockchain Support: MPC facilitates seamless interaction with multiple blockchain networks, enhancing versatility and compatibility.
  • Enhanced Security, Performance, and Flexibility: MPC technology boosts security measures, improves transaction speeds, and offers greater flexibility in asset management.
  • Diverse Backup and Restoration Options: Users benefit from multiple backup and restoration methods, ensuring redundancy and resilience in data protection.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication: MPC integrates robust authentication mechanisms, further fortifying account security against unauthorized access.
  • Lower Transaction Fees: MPC transactions incur lower fees compared to Multisig transactions, enhancing cost-effectiveness for users.
  • Key Recovery Capabilities: MPC enables users to recover their private keys at any given time, mitigating the risk of permanent asset loss.

About OPZ App

The OPZ App stands as a comprehensive Web3 wallet harnessing the power of Multi-Party Computation (MPC) technology. Its user-friendly interface coupled with advanced security features, such as KeyFusion and Multi-Factor Authentication, ensures the utmost safety for managing your self-custody wallet.

Key Technologies in the OPZ App

  1. KeyFusion Technology: At the heart of OPZ lies KeyFusion, our MPC protocol, empowering users with full control over their assets. With no single points of failure (SPOF), private keys are distributed across multiple locations, enhancing security.
  2. OPZ NFC Technology: Seamlessly connect NFC-enabled devices with Web3, enabling users to interact with decentralized applications (dApps) effortlessly through a simple tap.
  3. Multi-Factor Authentication: OPZ bolsters security with multi-factor authentication, adding an additional layer of protection to user accounts.
  4. WalletConnect v2 Integration: OPZ facilitates secure connectivity between the app and dApps through WalletConnect v2 Integration, enabling seamless interaction.
  5. OPZ Web3 Browser: The OPZ App features a user-friendly Web3 browser, facilitating interaction with multiple blockchains and decentralized platforms.
  6. AI Analysis with OPZ-AI:
  • Comprehensive Analysis: OPZ-AI provides in-depth analysis of cryptocurrency markets.
  • Trend Spotting & Pattern Recognition: Identifies trends and recognizes patterns to aid users in making informed decisions.
  • Real-Time Insights & Personalized Experience: Offers real-time insights tailored to users’ preferences and needs.

7. OPZ App Security Features:

  • Token Risk Check: Verifies tokens for potential risks, ensuring their safety for use.
  • Address Verification: Carefully verifies addresses during transactions to prevent fraud.
  • dApp Safety Scan: Scans dApps for security threats, safeguarding users from potential risks.

How to Set Up OPZ Wallet

Step 1: Download the OPZ App

Access the App Store or Google Play Store on your device and search for “OPZ.” Download and install the application onto your device.

Step 2: Register with OPZ

When you first open the app, you’ll be prompted to set up an account. Simply enter your email address or phone number to begin the registration process. A verification code will then be sent to you via email or SMS. Enter this code into the app to complete your registration.

Step 3: Create a New Wallet

Next, create a new wallet within the OPZ app. The app will automatically generate your MPC Key, which is crucial for wallet recovery in case of app uninstallation or password forgetfulness. Store this key securely in a location accessible only to you.

Step 4: You’re Ready to Go!

With your wallet set up, you’re now ready to explore the decentralized world. Utilize the OPZ browser to easily connect to Web3 and begin interacting with decentralized applications.

Security Features in OPZ App

  1. Token Safety, Address Verification, and dApp Security:
  • Token Security API: Integrated with GoPlus Security, OPZ employs a Token Security API to automatically assess tokens for potential risks, providing users with insights into any associated issues.
  • Malicious Address API: The app includes a Malicious Address API, which scrutinizes recipient addresses during asset transfers, alerting users to any suspicious activity or potential fraud.
  • dApp Security API: OPZ incorporates a dApp Security API to evaluate the safety of decentralized applications (dApps) being used, notifying users of any security risks or threats encountered during interaction.

2. MPC-2FA Signing:

Optional Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): OPZ offers an optional MPC-2FA feature to enhance transaction security. This additional layer of protection requires users to undergo a secondary authentication step when authorizing transactions, ensuring only authorized individuals can execute actions.

3. Anti-Zero Transfer:

Anti-Zero Transfer Feature: Developed to counter zero transfer phishing scams, OPZ introduces the Anti-Zero Transfer feature. By blocking zero-value transactions from appearing in user transaction histories, this feature helps safeguard users against fraudulent activities, maintaining the integrity and cleanliness of transaction records.

OPZ Token

The OPZ Token, native to the OPZ platform, represents a fundamental element designed to underpin the entire ecosystem. Its cryptographic security ensures trust and integrity within transactions and interactions on the platform.

Token Details

Name of Token: OPZ Token

Token Symbol: OPZ

Decimal: 18

Network: ERC20

Contract Address: 0x18E1B6AA7ef866Eba192f2817D43bAE92D75c817

Total Supply: 1 billion $OPZ

Token Distribution

Community Allocation (50% - 500,000,000 OPZ):

  • Trading Rewards Program (14% - 140,000,000 OPZ): Incentivizes users based on their trading activities, promoting both short-term engagement and long-term loyalty.
  • Liquidity Providers Program (7% - 70,000,000 OPZ): Encourages users to provide liquidity to the platform’s pools, thereby enhancing market depth and stability.
  • Staking Rewards (8% - 80,000,000 OPZ): Users can stake their OPZ tokens to earn rewards, contributing to the platform’s security and governance.
  • Community Treasury Allocation (15% - 150,000,000 OPZ): This portion is earmarked for forthcoming community initiatives, governance proposals, and projects aimed at ecosystem development. Decisions regarding the utilization of these funds will be made by OPZ holders.
  • Airdrops (6% - 60,000,000 OPZ): Tokens distributed through multiple rounds of airdrops to engage existing users, boost liquidity, and attract new participants to the Bitcoin Layer 2 ecosystem.

Investor & Employee Allocation (50% - 500,000,000 OPZ):

  • Investors (12% - 120,000,000 OPZ): Rewarding early backers of the project, with a vesting period aligned with the long-term success of the platform.
  • Team and Founders (8% - 80,000,000 OPZ): Allocated to the core team and founders as an incentive for their ongoing commitment and platform development, subject to vesting periods.
  • Advisory Board (0.8% - 8,000,000 OPZ): Reserved for advisors providing strategic guidance, vested over time to ensure ongoing support.
  • Presale (20% - 200,000,000 OPZ): Split into six stages, with prices starting from $0.028.
  • Employee Incentive Plan (EIP) (2% - 20,000,000 OPZ): Reserved for future employees as part of an incentive program to attract and retain talent.
  • Reserved for New Strategic Investments Allocation (7.2% - 72,000,000 OPZ): This segment is allocated for future investments, partnerships, or acquisitions aimed at expanding the platform’s capabilities and market reach. Additionally, staking may be utilized to generate additional reserves for development and community promotion purposes.

OPZ Presale

Embark on a transformative journey with OPZ across six stages of opportunity. By engaging in OPZ presale, you not only gain a competitive edge but also demonstrate your confidence in the project’s potential. This is your chance to join the inner circle, establishing yourself as an early adopter and potentially reaping substantial rewards as the project progresses. The presale is currently underway, running from February 26th to May 30th, 2024. With tokens priced at just $0.10 each during the listing, this presale presents an exceptional opportunity to acquire tokens at an advantageous rate. Secure your place now and become part of the future of OPZ.


OPZ stands at the forefront of innovation, offering a comprehensive ecosystem powered by cutting-edge technologies such as Multi-Party Computation (MPC) and Web3 integration. With a focus on user-centric design and advanced security features, OPZ provides a safe and intuitive platform for managing digital assets and interacting with decentralized applications.

For More Information

Website: http://opz.com/

Whitepaper: https://whitepaper.opz.com/

Telegram: https://t.me/OPZ_Chat

Twitter: https://twitter.com/OPZ_Official

ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5489933.0#post_

Discord: https://discord.gg/SSmXDHCMZC

Writer’s Information

Forum Username: Bossman111

Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3463496

POA: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5489933.msg63918518#msg63918518

Telegram Username: @Bossboy47

ERC – 20 Wallet Address: 0x50838bFBc01d6b61E6F3F0F480269098239C64c9